Most Common Wood Boring Insects in UK

Most Common Wood Boring Insects in UK

Wood is the primary material for every house and furniture in the UK. It is important to protect the wood and keep safe from the damage-causing beetles and insects. Like termites, there are some of the other insects that can chew and damage the wooden properties. It is possible to stop the action of danger causing pests with the proper control methods. But it is important to identify the type of insect and the infested insects in your place. Without the proper knowledge, it is not possible to eliminate them, you need a professional expert’s help to identify that. They will also have the knowledge of eliminating the pests available in your place with the proper and professional control methods. It is also important to find that the pest infestation is active or historical, there is a chance of insects to die. In this article, we will discuss the most common wood boring insects in UK.

Common Wood Boring Insects

The insects that cause property damage are highly dangerous, as they are not identified and treated earlier, which will result in huge losses. You need to spend more money to replace that product. Below are some of the common wood boring insects that are found in UK residential areas.

  • Common Furniture Beetle – Anobium Punctatum
  • Deathwatch Beetle – Xestobium Rufovillosum
  • House Longhorn Beetle – Hylotrupes Bajulus
  • Wood Boring Weevil – Euophryum Confine

Common Furniture Beetle

Common Furniture Beetle

These are the most common wood eating insects in the UK, and they love to live in branches and fallen trees. An adult beetle can grow from 2.5 to 5 mm long, and they are black-brown in colour, covered with short yellow hair over their body. They are unique in their structure in that their wings will be spotted with the rows of punctured tiny holes. Their presence can be identified by the holes which are 1.5 to 2 mm wide with the dust like substance frass.

Deathwatch Beetle

Deathwatch Beetle

The deathwatch beetles can be found in the oak tree and decayed hardwood. They are commonly found in churches and other historical buildings because they love to eat the old wood. They are the beetles that can grow from 5 to 8 mm long, chocolate brown in colour with the short yellow coloured hair over their body. They can be found by the larger holes of 3mm, and the adult deathwatch beetles are hard to eliminate.

House Longhorn Beetle

House Longhorn Beetle

The house longhorn beetles are the insects, that are widespread around the southern part of the UK. They love to feed on softwood like roofing timbers. They can grow from 7 to 25 mm long and they are reddish-brown in colour with grey or white spots over their body. Their body consists of two shiny black spots that resemble their eyes, and they have a long antenna over their head. They can be found by their larger holes which will be 6 to 10 mm wide.

Wood Boring Weevil

Wood Boring weevil

Wood boring weevils are the second most common wood boring insects in the UK. They are reddish-brown and black in colour, and they can grow from 2 to 5 mm long with a long snout. They love to eat and feed on decayed soft and hardwoods, and they are infested with fungus. These insects are easy to find that their tunnels will be grown along with the infested wood and their entering holes will be usually 1mm in diameter.

How to Get Rid of Wood Boring Insects?

Wood eating insects are the insects that are responsible for most of the property damage in the UK. If the insect problems are not treated immediately, then it will result in huge structural damage. It is important to find the type of insect infested in your place, it will help you to prepare for the exact control treatment. If you are not aware of proper control methods and their working methods, you need to hire a professional pest control service. The professional experts will have the idea of eliminating all the insects present in your place. Thus, the most common wood boring insects should be avoided in order to prevent your properties from being damaged.