Ways to Keep Birds Away from Your Pool

Ways to Keep Birds Away from Your Pool

Enjoying a swim in your pool on a hot day is the best feeling ever. But what if you are one of many to use your pool? The pool is a common open area, and it can attract many birds, the presence of birds in your pool area can make your place messy. These pest birds can ruin your relaxing time by raising noise and disturbing you. It is important to avoid the presence of birds in your pool area to maintain it clean and neat. In this article, we are going to discuss the ways to keep birds away from your pool.

Why Are Birds Attracted to the Pool?

Birds are naturally attracted to waterbodies, and your pool will be perfect for them to land. Like humans, birds are also attracted to pleasant environments, and they enter your pool to take a dip and use it as a bird bath. Or they will just relax on the edge of your pool deck; though it looks pleasant to have birds, these birds can make your pool messy with their droppings.

How to Keep Birds Away from Your Pool?

It is not easy to avoid the presence of birds in any open place, but we listed some effective pest management methods for birds that can help you to keep them away,

Keep Your Pool Covered

Keep Your Pool Covered

Covering your pool when it is not used is the best practice to avoid birds using it. If you cover your pool, the birds cannot use it for bathing, and they do not have a place to rest. The birds will visit your place often once they find the best environment, but if your pool is closed every time, they will avoid landing at your place.

Remove Food

Remove Food

Food is the primary attractor for all pests and birds. Remove all the food storage and sources near your pool that attract birds and avoid planting trees near your pool. Many homeowners have bird feeders in their pool area; you can remove them and place them in your garden to prevent getting birds in your pool.

Use Toys as Decoys

Use Toys as Decoys

Birds are always afraid of their predators; you can make use of plastic or wooden owls in your pool. The presence of toy owls in your pool will avoid the presence of other pest birds. You can also use the bird spikes over your area that will defend against the birds landing in your place.


The above listed are the best bird control methods to keep birds away from your pool. Maintaining your pool to keep your family safe from health issues is essential. Because bird droppings can cause breathing problems for you and your family members.

Though these DIY methods are adequate, you can only depend on them sometimes. Hire a professional pest exterminator, and the experts are well-trained to treat your place to avoid the presence of birds. They will also provide further instructions; if you follow them regularly, you can prevent the company of birds for years.