Top 5 Scariest Bugs in UK

Top 5 Scariest Bugs in the UK

There are millions of pest species in the UK and they are responsible for huge structural, physical, and mental health issues every year. It is not easy to overcome the damages caused by bugs and insects, it costs more and also they tripped many lives. Not all pests are harmful to humans and properties, only a particular species of pests are responsible for all the damages. In this article, we will discuss the top 5 scariest pests in the UK, whenever you see them maintain a distance to save your health and money.

Top 5 Scariest Bugs in the UK



The first place always goes to mosquitoes because of the population and their actions. Mosquitoes are the pests that are available in all the residential, industrial, and commercial places. They can bite humans, and they are responsible for the several health issues.

These mosquitoes can spread deadly viruses and cause diseases like malaria, dengue, and typhoid. These diseases can kill a human if left untreated or when one does not have proper treatment. It is not possible to completely sweep out these species, only you can avoid them with some safety measures.

Pelecinid Wasp

Pelecinid Wasp

This is a unique wasp species that has a giant and long tail that look like a stinger. But these species do not have a stinger and are not dangerous to humans. These wasps are beneficial to the environment because they kill the beetles which are harmful to garden plants. But their appearance makes you scared and sure you will maintain a distance while seeing them.

House Centipede

House Centipede

Centipedes are one of the scariest pests in the world. House centipedes are not so harmful but their bites will be painful. They have a rouged appearance that makes the people scary. Though they are not harmful you can maintain a distance from them to avoid bites.

Assassin Bug

Assassin Bug

Assassin bug, the name of these bugs will not be scary but their habits and actions will definitely fear you. These assassin bugs are also called kissing bugs because they are popular for biting humans on the face. Their bite can cause Chagas disease which kills 12,000 people a year.



Termites are not harmful to humans, but they can eat all wood, paper, cellulose, and even plastic materials. It is important to avoid termites around your home that can damage all the wooden properties and eat cellulose in your walls and book bindings.

According to a survey, it is proved that US people are spending more than $5 billion to overcome the termite damages. If you find the signs of termites try to fix them in the early stage to avoid huge damage.


The above listed are the top 5 scariest bugs in the UK, some of the species in the list are not harmful to humans, but they can spread diseases. Because every tiny pest will travel to many places and come in touch with you that can transfer any diseases or bacteria. If you find any pests in your home, hire a professional pest control service to get rid of them for years.